Friday, November 18, 2011

To the "Useless Cripple" Children: "If You Can't See; If You Can't Hear; You Won't Succeed!"

The one thing I love most about Oregon is our corporate media and how it demonizes everyone. Like our local Clear Channel/Disney station poking Stevie Wonder right in his useless eye with their new ad to theoretically raise money for glasses and hearing aides for kids who are "useless cripples" But these fund raisers are mostly about making 'US' look good. I encouraged Paul Lindman and Mark Mason to show up at the recent Halloween company party as Lucifer and Lurch, and it was awesome! The similarities were outstanding, even if they didn't win for best costume, we'll make sure they win some award this year for this new campaign for the "useless cripple" CHILDREN- Isn't it funny, how we're able to use the 'CHILDREN" and the local "alternative newspaper" to get "you's people" to do anything we want...even if it means cutting your own throat...or getting you to hate anyone! And how about our own Disability Rights of Oregon! They get state and federal funding...except their web site provides no audio option where blind or visually-impaired computer users can leave a comment, question, or request for "HELP!" You know where, it asks you to enter the word in the graphical box to prevent spam, unlike the compassionate Ron Paul morons at 'Freedom Files' which allows the "useless blind people" to just answer a simple math problem. We got most of these web sites to provide the audio option, as provided for under the ADA, that plays all these different foreign voices repeating words with all this noise in the background so you can't hear the words, especially if you have any sort of a hearing impairment too... That's a real hoot! Good job 'Handi Bob'. Let's get Bob and his bigots at DRO another national award for their excellent work in denying "access" to the most "useless" group of "useless cripples" in America the blind and visually-impaired. Just look at how little success Stevie Wonder has had! 'Well, it's sure been a lot of fun attacking the 'non-relevant class (the lower 99%)' and destroying your lives, but you Occupiers might as well go home and check out what's on your local Fox or Disney channel. Our local Clear Channel corporate shills at KEX about somes up how we -- the local sports morons and all the right winged sex predators, feel about "angry white cane guy" and to the "useless cripple" children: "If you can't see; If you can't hear; You can't succeed!"

Monday, November 14, 2011

J. Edger: nobody's talking about phase I or phase III any mo...

J. Edger: nobody's talking about phase I or phase III any mo...: It must be pretty obvious to those in the 'Occupy everything movement' that Fox has been a master at manipulating the "distracted, ignorant ...

Monday, October 31, 2011

nobody's talking about phase I or phase III any more. So enjoy the ?Super Bowl...Until Phase V

It must be pretty obvious to those in the 'Occupy everything movement' that Fox has been a master at manipulating the "distracted, ignorant masses"! Through its "News", sports talk, and entertainment channel. Our friends at Fox have done a great job at lowering the standards of decency in terms of how "you's people" treat each other. But that's the plan. Like the sports talk morons who call everyone "retard" and publicly humiliates anyone who objects to our process of desensitizing "you's people" ("angry white cane guy")...and it works- Like, the local community radio station was running a fund drive two Thursdays ago. And just before Amy Goodman comes on (talking all her human rights crap), one of our "Jesus People" -- Gordon, played a song called "We'll All Go to Heaven, When the Devil Goes BLIND!"! That's a hoot, and even better than the hateful, zombie lady at OPB's "Dead Wire", and her fixation on "Oedipus"- Maybe she should have kept her imperfect baby boy...than she wouldn't be so obsessed and hateful toward men who love their mother or who are physically disabled, but that's another story the Governor doesn't' want you to know- Of course you'd never hear a song on the 'politically correct' radio around here, especially a "community radio station" that played a song like, "We'll All go to Heaven When the Devil Does BLACK!" Or how about, "We'll All Go to Heaven When the Devil Goes GAY!" Not likely ladies! And that's the bargain we made with the she-devils on the left And maybe that's the real hoot as we move toward phase VII- We can glamorize youth while we openly demean these "useless cripples" over the "public air waives" and nobody cares! It's like how this local GBT rights group -- Basic Rights Oregon, has worked behind the curtain with both the DemocRats and the RepubliCons to make sure that the "useless cripples", like James Chasse, are not given the same protections they enjoy under the Oregon Hate Crimes Law. Surely, you got to "see" the ironic humor in all of that! And it's all part of our 'Eugenics Plan' for the world under phase VII. Get rid of any one who can't pull their weight. That's only fair under our version of capitalism. In the mean while under phase IV "your president" has been doing a great job for 'US' by slowly lowering the FICA tax, which funds Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, so we can finally get rid of these "welfare" programs, as well as, food stamps and public education... Yes, good things are happening. The media is mocking the 'Occupiers', demanding specifics (which we can rip to pieces)...and we've arranged so that winter's coming sooner than "you's people" thought--> And, most importantly, as we create crisis, after crisis, nobody's talking about phase I or phase III any more. So enjoy the ?Super Bowl...until phase V-

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

a "Black" Man Must Die Today to Protect "Our" System of "Justice"

Too bad for Troy Davis, but most of "us" in the redolent class agree with the judge. Eventually every "black" man is going to commit a crime (have sex with a "white" woman). That's why we created the private prison system; we deliberately make prisoners so miserable that they are begging to be killed, like Gary Haugen. Don't expect the hand-picked puppet judges in Oregon or Georgia to do anything to stop our eventually kill all of "you's people"!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

You "Boners" Can Get Back to Football and Your Important Video Games and Leave the Serious Government Stuff to US

UNBELIEVABLE!We've shredded the constitution and created a new 'branch of government' with unlimited power! You might say, the Speaker blew a major wad in the face of the "no boner crowd" with this Bill - And "wait til you's people" see which of "your" DemocRats we select for the "Special Congress"! What a hoot!

You can bet, we're gonna have 11 of the 12 of the schmucks on this new 'branch of government' looking out for our best interest. And they'll have the 'broad power' to do (or not do) anything they want! I know Eric and some of you wanted to hold out for more, and "we got your back", but with this new "Special Congress" it's gonna be so easy to take down the rest of the FDR crap. And if anyone tries to challenge the constitutionality of any of this, which we know (just like water boarding and listening to ALL your phone calls, and reading ALL of your Emails) is totally unconstitutional, you can bet our pals on the court will take care of it. We "really, really, really" (Medical Marijuana savior, Jennifer Alexander is right, if they need to say it three times it's because they're lying) owe a lot to our recent success to Chuck, Ron Diane, Hillary and the DLC crowd for helping us get John on the Court where he's been the 'Master of Disaster" for "you's people"! That's been a real hoot for us! But these DemocRats support "gay rights', and that's what's important, right? Just look who we added to the Court-

But I've been wondering, why do they call it "LGBT"? i mean, why isn't it just "GBT"? Aren't lesbians gay too? Most of the one's I know in Oregon are bi, so then, isn't "LGBT" redundant? And why do gay women have their own specific designation, but gay men don't? Isn't this sexist within the "GBT community"? Given that gay sex between women has always been glamorized in our society, and gay sex between men, until recently, has been extremely vilified, shouldn't the "GBT community" make every effort to not practice reverse-sexism by how it identifies itself? . The killing of Matthew Shepherd and the recent number of attacks in Portland further document the disparity in how "gay men" are mistreated, as compared to "gay women". So given this well-documented practice of discrimination and the disparate impact on gay men, far, far more than what "gay women" endure, shouldn't the "GBT community" be even more inclined to not be sexist, especially in how it identifies itself? Just asking...

But the good news everyone is that there'll be no new taxes for us, I mean for "you's people". And the Card's gonna stay on, so everyone can stop worrying about grandma. You'll just need to buy cheaper beer and wine, and start rolling your own cigarettes, and start buying your food off the value menu- Well, there is that one problem around phase III you don't know about yet, and phase V is really just around the corner, but otherwise, everything's great, financially speaking. Phase IV is in place- So now, you "boners" can get back to football and your important video games and leave the serious government stuff to us-

Friday, July 29, 2011

Nobody has the Right to Tell a Woman What She Can or Can't Do with Her Own BODY!

As far as raising "your credit card limit", and feeding the "useless cripples", don't you love the way "No-boner-man" and the phony-corporate-left are antagonizing the Speaker by intentionally mispronouncing his last name (and demanding respect for "gay people"), and getting you schmucks to go along with it. And now the Speaker is retaliating against grandma, the "useless cripples", and the poor. Along with all the interest we're going to collect from you (because of the delay), while we bet on the failure, we've got the phony-left helping us get rid of the brown people (all Moslems) and men (who don't carry our sword) and all of the "useless cripples" (who suck up our money)! What hate mongers you Americans are! We love you-

. Phase IV is working out excellently, and no ones talking about phase III or the oceans any more (that will soon change). Along with "your president" and the DemocRats helping us cut the big three, we got our obese Zionist lawyers (that's a little redundant) working for us, like No-boner-man Oldman and his chubby CIA pal, Mark Potok, from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Board (Why would any Jewish person support something named after the Nazis like "ze Homeland"?). These Zionist from the phony-left (No offense to the millions of decent Jewish people throughout the world who are not hate mongers, and who do not get off on telling jokes about people with disabilities) got "you's people" to publicly demean men and the "useless cripples", and even the poor who are forced to live in Mobil homes, campers and RVs. And "you's people" are too dumb, or maybe just to vicious to "see" that Mark Potok and these Zionist pukes are slowly desensitizing you (just like the Nazis did when they began experimenting on the "useless cripples"). For example, Portland lawyer, Creepy Kenneth Kreuscher, showed up at Guantanamo with a law book and a rope and his client chose the rope! What these Zionists are doing for us for a few bucks, is preparing you for phase VII when you'll have to choose between saving grandma and grandpa or feeding and housing the "useless cripples". It's called eugenics.

A couple weeks ago, "I wish I could see past my belly to tell if I got a" Boner Man Oldman described the RepubliCons as the "dumb leading the blind!" That's really funny, and creative too! I never heard that one before! Oldman, Kreuscher and Potok makes Randi Rhodes and Glenn Beck look like nice guys, and it's the bigoted, hypocrites like this from the left who have ensured your eventual doom -- Divide and conquer, it always works well...

And we got the New York Zionist publishers adding in all sorts of derogatory comments into every work of fiction being published today to demean these "useless cripples". And locally, to protect their right to abort defective unborn children, it was the phony-feminists and the gay rights group, Basic Rights Oregon, who fought to not include those with disabilities under the same protection they themselves now enjoy under Oregon's Hate Crimes Law which protects them from abusers. Funny thing is that the ones who are mostly abusing the "useless cripples" are the gay women who operate most of the vocational rehabilitation services in the Northwest (Don't tell Pollyanna Paul van Dyk who lets his wife, April, produce a monthly propaganda show on behalf of his female government handlers. Talk about a "blind boner"!).

But back to your credit card, the attack on the "big three" is really just a way to get "you's people" to go along with phase VII, when we can began seriously cleaning up the human gene pool, that has been seriously damaged by all this multi-culturalism and "compassion" for the weak and sick. It's for the greater good, and "you's people" are going to die sometime soon anyway. And wasn't that something! Did you see the way that Israeli soldier used his massive bulldozer to "squish" that little girl from Washington State, Rachel Corrie. Oh yeah, I forgot, "you people's" didn't see that -- at that moment "the cameras happen to be facing away from the protesters". (Really?)...

But APAC Abe from the BOO is definitely our favorite Neo-Nazi from the phony-left. For the record ladies, don't worry, abortion isn't going anywhere. We have to play to the "Jesus People" a little, but remember we had full control of the Congress and the White House a few years ago (not that we don't now) and nothing significantly changed as far as your right to kill the unborn trash you produce...well, other than protecting the virginity of our sweet little, blue-eyed girls (but not for the reasons you think).

With great joy, a couple weeks ago APAC Abe declared on air he would gladly kill an unborn baby ten seconds before birth if it had "Down's!" It's not just down's syndrome that we're using to scare potential mothers into killing their unborn children any more, but genetic testing has made it possible for us to predict all sorts of possible deformities. Of course, none of its certain, but the point is to implement the dream of the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret sanger, Prescott Bush, the House of Rothschild,, the Rockefeller family, and Adolph Hitler.

As proof of our urgent need to purify the human race, a young woman named "Jenny" called in to defend the American practice of 'unborn baby killing' and told APAC Abe that women had the right to be "an idiot". (Really? And that justifies murdering a tiny, fragile human baby?) Absolutely, we agree. Let's kill as many of these inconvenient, imperfect little bastards as possible before they grow up and reproduce more of "you's money-sucking parasites"! Although we know for most of you ladies it's really about keeping your perfect little bodies in tact in case you meet a rich man (or woman), and not interfering with your new found "freedom from all responsibility". Besides every American women deserves a perfect little trophy child, who can be pimped out to some lawyer, doctor or billionaire when they grow up (or maybe sooner).

It's funny, but it must be that they have more morals about motherhood, but black, Hispanic and Native-American women have never been as enthusiastic about abortion as our delightfully wicked able-bodied white American women. We are pushing hard to get Planned Parenthood into those poor, ethnic neighborhood, but we need more people like APAC Able to push this idea that it's a women's right to kill their unborn child for any reason, and nobody has the right to tell a woman what she can or can't do with the body of the child growing inside her, even though we now know the baby can actually feel some pain after just six weeks. Isn't that hilarious!

Even though it's only a temporary situation (less than 1% of a woman's life) , nobody has the right to tell a woman what she can or can't do with her own body!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Everything's Going to Be Okay

As for phase IV, "You's people" are gonna have to give just a little more, otherwise we'll be cutting up ALL your plastic! "We" already know how this works out, but lets pretend that I need to convince you not to cut taxes for us. That will be fun! Here we go: There's some serious things that need to be taken care of right away. Don't know how soon or how horrific phase III will end up being...but when the grease breaks through that lower crust and hits that cold water-- SEE YAH, WOULDN'T WANTA BE YAH!!!

As you can see, we've had lots of great ideas from the most brilliant minds that money can buy to get us through this transition stage of purifying the human race and cleansing the earth, and we've focused all of our extra resources on an alternative temporary arrangement you might say... Frankly, developing the South Pole site and setting things up on the "Dark Side" , is the reason why we've needed to back off on other projects at the Cape and other places.

But hey , the good news is that the Department of inJustice has found another billion dollars to double the number of police officers that can go out an harass those disgusting registered sex offenders across America. One of the great things we do here in Portland, Oregon, is that we have two burley, ugly officers wait down the block until they see the offender leave (we got all their pics). Than the officers charge up to the door and start using their clubs to smash dents and marks into the door and walls, and yelling over and over , "SEX OFFENDER CHECK!! OPEN THE DOOR!"

If any one answers, our people start harassing them, shoving the picture of the offender into their face. They start yelling, "DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN! HE'S A SEX OFFENDER (usually a low risk registered sex offender)! DO YOU KNOW WHERE HE IS!" This is usually enough to shock the roommate, spouse, partner or landlord. Then they go out and do the same thing to all of the neighbors. Except with more calm, calculated authority, but in a way that creates chaos in the 'hood' and effectively frightens the neighbors who will immediately think the man is dangerous or has re-offended (in truth, only about 3% of low risk RSOs actually do re-offend. In fact, 95% of all new sex crimes are committed by people who are not registered sex offenders. Isn't that the biggest hoot of all! Just like that little girl from Clay County, Florida they found two years ago and just solved the case. Surprised that no lawyer has ever challenged the constitutionality, or the true public interest, of having the "LIST" for low risk registered sex offenders, given these men, once revealed, are always targets for any con or ex with an axe to grind, including the local drug dealer.).

Do Got to wonder if these sort of nazi police tactics regularly used in Oregon influenced Christina Buckley, who recently strangled her eleven-year-old daughter to "protect her from sex offenders". Obviously, Christina was successful, and will somehow be made into a victim (given she's an able-bodied white woman living in Oregon), but what's funny is that no one's asking if Governor Kitzhaber, Representative Michael Schaufler, the corporate media and the DOJ's hysteria over "SEX OFFENDERS" is actually causing more chaos, and distracting the dumb downed population from the real perps... Because that's the intention!

Okay, so it didn't work out for Dom as we planned, but he's not completely off the hook either. And there's that other woman in France who was raped by him, probably. Would have thought someone besides Alex Jones and the American Freedom Radio crowd would have thought it was strange a wealthy man like this staying in a New York hotel room, costing $3,000 per night, wouldn't order a hot escort if he needed some sex? Maybe that's what he did! The news reported "He charged out of the bathroom naked. and attacked the maid" Really? It's so easy to find a woman in America who for a few bucks, or just vengeance, would be willing to help us destroy the lives of these sleazy liberal, activist, whistle blowing, socialist types...

Let's just be honest, unless you fellas are working for the relevant class and carrying a gun or a law book, you're screwed! First you got the "gays", who have been persecuted for thousands of years for their sexuality, and who have no problem pointing a finger at those perverted straight guys! But we don't discriminate, all men without money or influence are targets. Then you got all those angry American women who hate men and blame them for everything that's wrong with the world. Then you got your suck up, opportunistic men from the phony-left who just want to 'get some', and always are the first to start ranting about "women's rights", even if it's against their own best interest as a man. Than you got your authoritarian, angry creepy talking heads, who just as soon start phase VIII today and be done with all of you.

Although, can't really blame John Walsh. He must be very, very angry and hurt deep inside knowing that his wife lied about only being gone from Adam for five or ten minutes, and saying that she was shopping for lamp shades and nothing else. And was only a few isles away. the time line, the store diagram and her interviews suggest differently. Just imagine, the Adam Walsh Act that targets men accused of a "sex offense" was created by Mark Foley and George W. Bush. There's something perversely appropriate about that, given Toole's multiple erroneous confessions and the lack of any physical evidence (The police lost it!). Think about why someone else might not want the body to be found, and what it might reveal... Explain why didn't Toole tell them where the body was if he wanted to confess on is death bed and cleanse his soul? Hmmm....

Imagine you were in our shoes, as a member of the 'relevant class' where nothing matters and you can have anything or anyone on earth you want ... Wouldn't it make more sense to get two older kids to shuffle off a slightly younger child to a parking lot and quickly shoved into a van before they could grasp what was happening. "The kid is thinking, But your my friends! You're hurting me!" As they fade from consciousness.

You'd think there be more suspicion around the thousands and thousands of missing kids in America over the last dozen years. Over 150 just from Oregon and Washington. Hey, let's blame men (without money for a real lawyer) and call them "perverts" or "boners" and vilify them (unless their worth more than a cool million)!

How do you suppose Kyron Horman got out of that school without anyone knowing? Hmmm... Had an adult took him out, someone would have probably noticed, don't you think? And come on, would he really have been willing to leave the building with a stranger no matter what they promised. Yet, kids believe kids. And there are some very, very mean and nasty little kids out there who will do anything (and say nothing) for the right reward- But a group of two or three excited little kids hoping to find some tree frogs in the woods, to complete Kyron's school science project, wouldn't seem out of place. And slipping out a side door wouldn't be that strange or any eye witness- Yet, not a thought about this possibility in the's a real hoot to us! Yeah, but let's crucify those pervert sex offenders now! To hell with a trial before your peers or facing your accuser! Guess that fluoride is really working, along with the corn sugar, and the nutrition free food, and the great American brain shrinker (network corporate TV)-

Well, I do hope to share more with you, but if not, best wishes if we don't happen to speak again. It's hard to say what's next. but I've enjoyed sharing these inside clues about the future (the coming eight phases) with the few of you who are able to read more than 140 characters , and who aren't literally glued to the tube (Got to love digital TV and those hidden subliminal messages!).

So just between us, don't believe them for a minute when they say "everything's going to be okay"--

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Your President" has Prosecuted More Government Whistle Blowers than Every Other President in History, Combined! Right On!

Saying that crap about, "Two Americas" is what doomed John Edwards, and that's why we continue to persecute him or anyone if being married to Theresa Edwards wasn't punishment enough- Don't tell the phony-feminists I said this, but that woman was a real tyrant and a major that's politics. We got to defend "our women", so she's an innocent victim of a horrible cheating husband!

But if you've been paying attention, you may have noticed that's why we had the 'Fox Freaks', 'Derriere and the Disney Dames', and the corporate media pounding "Johnny E" for weeks at the time over his affair, while our own Oregon Governor, "Johnny K", had his own divorce records sealed...and not a word has been spoken around here about what he might be a possible affair while he was governor and maybe an illegitimate baby? Can you say, "Two America's"? YES YOU CAN!!!

Speaking of the Patriot Act, we knew we could count on "our" New York Senator Ron Wyden to get Eric Holder's favorite spy tools passed through the Congress. That's why last week we had 'APAC Abe' from the BOO and the other Zionists media network shills playing (non-stop) Corporate Ron's rant from Congress directed at the Petroleum give him a little cred- Of course, we knew ahead of time that nothing would change, so we all had a good laugh about that too- But Chuck and Hillary made sure Ronnie was with us on the John Roberts vote and Medicare Part D, and that's what really counts...when it's all said and done, and phase VIII is completed-

And what's a matter with "you's people", -- you "Deathers" -- not trusting anyone. To quote one of our DC corporate left propagandist (the "Jacker" -- a Kennedy conspiracy nut). It must be because "YOU"can't be trusted! It's kind of funny to hear him say this today, given all that's going on under your runny noses. James Madison once said,"all men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree." What a hoot!

And if you forget to add that second "n", to "Jacker's" last name it's obviously not because you're a bad speller, but because you're an "ANTI-SEMITE!" And don't forget to add the "h" as well, or we'll start calling you a...and get Eric and his trustworthy Department of inJustice after you...just like we're doing to that cheating John Edwards...and just like we took care of that whistle blower, "por Bradley Manning"-

I got to hurry up and catch a flight with Loren and Paul to Taiwan (where there's no age of consent), but there's lots of good news about what's happening with the implementation of phase III and phase IV which I'll share with you next time, but you might want to hurry up and stock up on salt water sea food. And don't be surprised next month when "your President" agrees to the important spending cuts we want, just like he's been doing. You can bet, he will do anything to keep the little lady happy and keep the plastic popping he doesn't "gets" that dreadful message, you know the one, "card declined"!

Don't forget, he voted for giving immunity to the TelComs for spying on you and didn't prosecute the "Shrubs" for authorizing torture or anything else, but "your President" has prosecuted more government whistle blowers than every other president in history, combined! Right on!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Who's really gonna believe Kevin Barrett or any of those conspiracy people?

It's pretty much over for "you's people" now that we've got the phony-left, like Thom Hartmann, Randi Rhodes, and the 'Boner crowd' carrying the company line...

"Deathers?" This is from the mighty Thom Hartmann, the "Kennedy conspiracy" guy- He's good! That's why we brought 'em to D.C. and convinced Randi to join rush and the Premier team (with one less tooth). Just like convincing Reve that Toole had murdered Adam, our courageous Seals will never questioned their order to kill "bin"-

The real problem with the photo is that someone out there may recognize who this stooge really is, and come up with other photos. And we learned from phase I, you can't doctor digital photos as easily as we thought. And if we release a photograph you know the Wolfes (Josh, Richard and Naomi, and the rest of those trouble-makers) will want to see the original digital file from the camera. Can't claim we dropped that into the ocean too, can we? The bottom line is, no one will ever prove Thom, Randi or us wrong, and say for sure this isn't the real bin! "Your President" is telling you the truth, Osama bin Laden is dead, that's for sure- All you need to know is that we promised this "bin" that if he went along with us, and played "bin" for a little while, we'd "take care" of him -- the whole seven virgin thing and more! And you can't say we didn't keep our promise, and look how happy everyone is! Haven't seen this much joy around here since we executed phase I-

As far as are corporate military and our corporate media are concerned, these Seals are heroes. It might be easier for you "conspiracy theorists" to convince Reve Walsh that sexual predator Ottis Toole didn't kill Adam Walsh then it would be to change America's mind. We all need hope, and even if the Hollywood Police conveniently lost the two blood samples from Toole's car (like the way we lost bin's body), which would have proved conclusively whether or not Toole murdered sweet, little Adam, it is always less painful to have someone to hate, or blame. It's the American way!

Just between you and me, why didn't Reve show her six-year-old child exactly where she would be if he needed her, if she really was only a couple isles away as she claims? And if she was so close, then why didn't she hear the boys fighting over the video game, as the security officer claims? Why would she leave a very small boy alone in a public mall, let alone with a couple other older boys that neither Adam or her knew? If you believe Toole's varied confessions, from his death bed (Seeking attention?), then she is admitting, she wandered off shopping her "pretty little heart" off for at least twenty-five minutes or more.

So like America, we gave Reve and John a way to not blame the mom for what we, I mean someone did to him... And now they don't have to wonder forever what really happened... Under our story, Toole never sexually assaulted Adam, and isn't that easier to believe...if you're a parent- Besides, they're both millionaires now with three new beautiful babies to replace Adam, and thanks to them, we've already been able to label a million American men as "registered sex offenders"! And isn't it a little funny how we (thanks to Mark Foley and George W. Bush) made it so under the Adam Walsh Act Tier 3 is the very worst, and Tier 1 is the least dangerous? Wouldn't you think it would be the other way around? Wouldn't you think this confusion is itself dangerous, and misleading? Although confusing the American public isn't very difficult. Still can't believe "you's people" elected "Little George"- That's a real hoot!

Whether it's Eric Holder's "Lone Wolfe" clause of the Patriot Act, which allows us to spy on anyone, whether we can prove they are a terrorist or not, or the Adam Walsh Act, which has already destroyed the lives of over a million Americans and their families, it's all part of a bigger plan- Especially now that the marijuana scam has begun to run its course, and the "terrorism" thing is growing old with a lot of you, we always need a few new plans to keep "you's people" distracted and under our thumb...until phase VII.

Seriously, who's really gonna believe Kevin Barrett or any of those conspiracy people?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We're Going to Raise the Taxes on Millionaires and Billionaires

Phase III update-- Now that we got the Japan radiation leak stopped, and got that mess just about all cleaned up, and there's nothing to worry about, let's talk about what "you's people" are going to have to do to lower "our" debt-

And why shouldn't American women have their own exclusive, private health care system fellas -- Planned Parenthood? Sure, other than abortion, they could get every test or screening they need, including birth control, done at any local community health center that doesn't openly discriminate against male patients, but sticking it to you "boners", who are not members of the relevant class is really what this plan has been all about!

Okay, maybe Dr. Henry Makow has figured it out, but it's not likely any of the local sports talk jerks or the corporate media shills have the genetic brain matter to understand what's going on here (Good job Handy Bob!)...before all of you are in prison, or are placed on the federal sex offender registry. There are no millionaire or billionaires, or Jewish lawyers, or any able-bodied, attractive white women on the 'bad sex List'- Do you get it yet? You go Paulson Timbers!

Maybe Anthony Frankfurter thinks he can play your intelligence and suggest there's no difference from being called a "wiener" and being called a "boner" by one of these phony-feminist or some ruthless Jewish lawyer, like Mark Potak with the Southern Poverty Law Center (Did you know that the Southern Poverty Law Center is on the Homeland Security Advisory Board? And Potak's publicly attacking the alleged Arizona shooter, who claims to have been under the influence of government mind control... And Potak's all over the Disney/Phony-Feminist Network calling him a "pervert", when he knows his comments will prejudice the jury pool. What happen to getting a fair trial before a jury of your peers, Mark? Hmmm.... And now these phony-feminists and their Jewish lawyers are going to make it so that any man accused of any sex related crime can not question their alleged victim. What happen to the Constitution?)

The fact is, calling the Speaker a "boner" is just another way of attacking men -- by getting the phony-left to publicly attack men for size and potency. After all, what else are men who are not members of the relevant class good for, if not moving furniture and satisfying our delightfully wicked American women, like State Representative Carolyn Tomai, Vicki Cruel, and Libby the RasCon...

Think about this fellas, there are 11% more women in America with graduate degrees than men, and there has been more women graduating from American law schools than men for almost two decades (That's a scarry thought fellas!). Yet, other than Dr. Henry and a few people at American Freedom Radio, no one's calling for the elimination of affirmative action for women at all colleges and universities who receive federal funding, or plans to start affirmative action for men we, along with the public pretenders, have labeled as "felons"...

But the good news fellas is that marijuana will not be moved off Schedule I, since mostly men and racial minorities smoke that stuff and young white women, like us, prefer pills and powder cocaine. And we're also giving another half billion dollars this year to the inJustice Department to entrap or coerce another million men who will be placed on the 'sex offender List', and publicly humiliated by our corporate media, the local community radio station (We now own).
Mostly, we want to have the ability to further punished them if they speak out over what we're doing- Make no mistake, it's the ADL, the New York publishers, and the Hollywood elite, and our ruthless Jewish lawyers like Mark Potak, Anthony Frankfurter, and no-boner-man, who are pushing this agenda -- promoting preferential treatment for women, and publicly demeaning you fellas! It's great!

There's no millionaires or billionaires, or able-bodied, attractive white women, or Jewish lawyers on 'Death Row', is there...

And why do they call it the "right to choose" when the unborn baby gets no choice in the matter. It's not like they can appeal, like "you's por people"-

And why is Carolyn Tomai pushing a bill through the Oregon Legislature that says if a man gets caught paying an underage prostitute and we, I mean they happen to have $20,000 laying around, it's not a problem. but if you're not a member of the wealthy and influential PEDOPHILES from Clackamas County, then you're going to prison and we're going to put your face and name all over the Internet and the corporate media. That's hilarious! Carol is "our" hero -- a true, modern American feminist! And her fellow "DemocRat", Floyd the Void', is got a bill to make sure we publicly humiliate every man on the 'list', even the lowest of the lowest alleged sex offenders -- the one's tortured in Washington County's Isolation Bubble by Douglas Harcleroad and 'Hermann's Monsters' and coerced into signing a plea bargain, even where there is no witnesses or any physical evidence to support the allegation! But remember, it's always the wrong tire, and always the wrong price- Right?

Divide and conquer, that's what it's all about. And it works, and you "boners" have no one to blame but yourselves. Why you've been obsessing over NASCAR and professional sports heroes, and your Ducksters, we have handed over most of the government to the phony-feminists and the "gay people". And unless you have a quarter million dollars for bail and a real lawyer (That's any lawyer who is not a public pretender), you're going to have your life destroyed by us -- the true sexual predators, who run the state and the courts, if you piss off any able-bodied attractive white woman or if you try to stop our plan to disenfranchise men who are not members of the relevant class, or who carry our sword, like Carol and Floyd!

And if you think you have any say so in stopping phase IV, just wait and see if "your President" actually cuts any funding for the Defense Department or the inJustice Department, where most of the budget goes. We gave the "gay people" the right to kill unarmed humans on behalf of our corporate military for a good reason, besides just distracting the phony-left: I can promise one thing-- There's not a chance in hell we're going to raise the taxes on millionaires and billionaires-

Friday, March 25, 2011

We'll Soon be Opening Dozens of "Peace Camps" Where you can get Clean Water and Food for your Family...When You're Ready

Bet a lot of you love America's worst interviewer, George Norry, Clear Channel's best propaganda artist and host of a late night conspiracy/propaganda show that was designed by us to promote our corporate agenda; a show created to distract you with misinformation and baseless fear. For example, last night (Thursday evening), Norry brought on an "expert" during his "news" portion of the show who claimed the nation's debt is solely due to the entitlement programs, and not because of the Defense Department unregulated spending and corporate welfare. His guest propagandist even claimed "America has the highest corporate taxes in the world!" And "you's people" swallow Norry's Clear Channel corporate crap! It's a hoot!

Now we all know Social Security is solvent until 2026 and hasn't actually attributed one penny to the debt, and Bank of America and Exxon pay no taxes when it's all said and done, but since when does the truth matter in the American corporate media. What's funny, is that you are so willing to blame the poor and the unemployed, rather than the 'Paulson Family' (You go Paulson Timbers!), Paul Allen, Phil Knight, Meg Whitman, and Loren Parks. Doug Harcleroad, Kevin Mannix and Lynda van Doran are worth every dime we pay them to promote fear and hatred, which are the key to motivating the ignorant masses to doing as we wish. It's not like people are going to start watching Free Speech TV or start listening to American Freedom Radio. Or like "you's people" are going to vote for anyone outside of "our" selected candidates from "our" two parties. And it's not likely that Ron Paul and either Ralph Nador, or 'Dennis the Memos' will get together by 2012, and stop our plan for your brief future...

And if you were shocked by the brutality of phase I or phase III, then wait until phase V!

Speaking of the implementation of phase III, don't worry about the spreading radiation from that unpredictable earthquake and tsunami, just get into your underground shelters, only drink filtered water, and don't eat anything that wasn't grown in an isolated, organic garden. That's our plan. And if you can't follow this advice, then remember we'll soon be opening dozens of "peace camps" where you can get clean water and food for your family...when you're ready-

Thursday, February 24, 2011

maybe what we all really need now is a 'Handy Bob Job'? Call the 'Alpha Dopes'!

Maybe at last the Portland City Council is ready to give up this charade of pretending to stand for "freedom" and "liberty", and surrender itself to the will of our new Fascist-corporate government; a government that arrogantly punishes those who oppose its practices with malice, which the states have always done to persons who can't defend themselves. It's the American way! What times the pow wow?

Make no mistake the FBI, the local U.S. Attorney, and all those entities and their ex-military soldiers/law enforcement officers which operate under the Department of Justice are well rewarded for their roles in the slow deterioration under phase II of "your" civil rights and "your" civil liberties, as John Kroger and Karen Immergut's current lofty positions demonstrate.

the promises of Oregon's latest and greatest U.S. Attorney (our corporate operative) Dwight Holton, who said two weeks ago, 'we know the bi-annual polygraphs ($200 each!) that all "registered sex offenders" are required to take are meaningless', is feeding the public more of the same effective rhetoric for many years. It's been tested, and it works- It's devised by our think tanks and a tightly controlled federal government that exploits the world for us billionaire handlers. And remember, before you vote on Thursday, we always ruthlessly punish our political adversaries both here and abroad. How's Bradly doing? Really, it's for your own safety stupid!

I say the members of the Portland City Council need to stand up and show the community their true colors, and the kind of government they support and vote to approve the JTTF. After all, it's "really, really" for our own "good" to quote the former U.S. Attorney, Mr. Kroger.

And think about it, "you's people" really don't deserve better"-

So tough up everybody! And get a 'little bit strong-er', and maybe what we all really need now is a 'Handy Bob Job'? Call the 'Alpha Dopes'!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

Got to love these Jewish lawyers, like Mark Potok with the Southern Poverty Law Center, who our friends at Disney suckered into attacking that kid, Laughner,
the alleged Arizona gun-man. Thanks to our Clear Channel monopoly over most of America's radio stations we pumped Mark's comments over the air all day
long just two days after the shooting. Mark was saying "He's a pervert!", "He's psycho!" When we got the Jewish liberal lawyers violating their own rules
of conduct and publicly attacking accused men before their trial, you know it's over for all men who are not part of the relevant class.

Then again, it's these ruthless, Jewish Lawyers (i.e. The 'No-boner men') who defend Israel's brutal, disproportional killing of Palestinians, who also
claim that the terms "Nazi" and "Adolph Hitler" belong solely to the Jewish people based on what was reported to have happened at the "concentration camps"
(i.e. peace camps). But what's hilarious about this is that the Nazi's were experimenting, torturing and killing thousands of "useless cripples", to quote
the Bush Family patriarch, long before we, I mean they killed any Jews. But don't let the truth get in away of earning a few bucks, Mark, Norm, and the
rest of the 'boner crowd'. Frankly, we love the way "you's people" get after money, even if we do poke a little fun at you from time-to-time. It's the
American way.

Listen to our latest plan to entrap another million American men. Can't blame them for resorting to murder-suicide if a woman makes any sort of threat of
reporting them for abuse., can you?

We got our friend, John Kroger - the State Attorneys General for Oregon, pushing for a new state law that would make even more "registered sex offenders"!
We already got a million American men, and a few unattractive women (to be fair), on the "List".

Here's the problem ladies, the courts have said viewing child porn on the Internet is not a crime. That's outrageous! And it messes with one of our plans
as we move toward implementing phase VI.

Our U.S. Attorneys and the F.B.I., and local law enforcement, will send E mails to any man who views Craigslist or any dating site asking them to click
here and see something "really, really" sexy. You'd be surprised how many "really, really" dumb, horny men there are in America who will click the link
and just like magic, there's an image of a sexually compromised child on their screen, imprinted into their computer's memory forever, and ever, and ever...just
like those cement boulders on the bottom of the ocean floor 69 miles off the coast of Oregon- Funny how no one ever asks where we got those pics!

Here's the point, Kroger was one of our most loyal soldiers (a U.S. Attorney) and we rewarded him by giving him the SAG position in Oregon (with no Republican
opponent?). Karen Emmenaught was one of our most loyal servants as the U.S. Attorney for Portland, and now's she's got a lifetime position to the Oregon
circuit court (Did you notice, they always run unopposed, unless they piss us off.). Karen was instrumental in implementing a plan to torture the "useless
cripples", the "brown-skinned people", our political enemies inside Washington County's Isolation Bubble. In this little five cell chamber Rob Gordon built,
inside the medical unit, inmates can be isolated from any other human contact or outside information, and subjected to round-the-clock screaming and pounding.
It only takes a few hours of this (Twin Torture Technique), so you can imagine what two weeks would do to any normal person, especially those who are "crippled"
and already under stress; who are facing trumped up charges of sex abuse. That's another great method of using the grand jury system to get excessive bail
against our political enemies, while protecting our loyal soldiers, I mean officers who kill as many of you "useless people" as possible-

Last week the new U.S. Attorney for Portland (who just happens to be the brother-in-law of the Democratic Party Chair) said publicly that "polygraphs were
extremely unreliable" and "useless". Say what? You force "registered sex offenders (no millionaires or cops on that list)" to pay over $200 every six months
to take one of these polygraphs from an ex-cop (cop welfare) or go to jail, yet you know their unreliable and useless? Of course, unless they fail a test,
then their a "dangerous predator", and you tip off the local corporate news. Nice how that works.. Interesting... Does passing eight of them Dwayne and
saying repeatedly you were innocent and were tortured inside Washington County's Isolation Bubble by Emmenaught, Harcleroad and the rest of 'Hermann's
Monsters' mean anything? I thought so, it really only matters who you work for, and how much money you have, and who your brother-in-law is.

You got to love America, Land of the free, home of the brave?

J. Edger

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Okay then, are you all done holding hands now and pretending to get along, and ready to get back to the business at hand - implementing phase II.

Hey men, do you think these women and the "gay people" refer to the Speaker as a "boner" because he walks around with his massive equipment showing? Not hardly, no pun intended. Well, actually it was intended-

While using the term to describe the Speaker was initiated by a gang of vicious, Oregon Women associated with the state agency for the blind, for personal reasons, the term is really being used to attack impotent men who can't keep it up!

This is great, and it wasn't even one of the thousands of great ideas our people came up with about how to best divide "you's people". Between the greedy-potheads, the phony-feminist, and the angry "gay people" of Oregon, we just have to sit back and watch the chaos evolve- Hearing a grown man being called by women and the "gay people" "boner" "really, really" pisses off a lot of men, since almost every man will suffer some personal humiliation from this condition at some point in their life.
And women know the best way to push a man's button is to attack his manhood because of size or performance. Doesn't that "really, really" piss you off fellas? The fact is that most real men choose to settle their differences with a gun, rather than smarmy little "cheap shots" on the local 'public access channel, to quote pope Stanford, since they know the lazy public defenders, the courts, and the corrupt DAs are intent on turning every American man who is not part of the relevant class into a felon or a "sex offender"', or both, on behalf of these sexy little vicious-vixens. That is, when we can't just kill them by stomping their "cripple" heads into the ground! Of course, driving each other to commit suicide is also a really great way too... Good job lefties!

We knew we could count on the vicious hypocrites of the phony-left, like master Pate, who appears on a weekly show with medical marijuana mogul pope Stanford. This past Friday, Masterpate made a joke on the show about "trailer trash". This is "really, really" hilarious! And this is a serious "medical" show?

On one hand, Stanford plays the 'kind compassionate care-giver" and boasts about giving his extra marijuana to "chemotherapy patients", while his partner, a former-convict - Masterpate, is publicly attacking some of Stanford's own patients on the public air waves, many of whom are low income and live in low income housing, like mobile homes, campers, and RVs (i.e. trailers). The comment was part of a joint effort from the sleazy Portland media, by masterpate, creepy carl, 'johnny little bit' strong, cip (the corporate in-house pedagog?), and others to use the public air waves to attack those they consider to be "white trash" and "trailer trash". While at the same time these "drug addicts" claim they "really, really" care about you "por useless cripple people"! That's why Masterpate voted against Measure 74 - we know Pate's deeply tied to the medical marijuana trafficking between Oregon and Washington state. Let's give Gerry a call and see if he can send a couple agents down from Seattle to check out this guys bookkeeping and 'business front', and some of his friends... We know he's not paying taxes on 'all' of his profits-

You got to really love Oregon, don't you? It's a cesspool of vicious monsters, from both the phoney-left and the authoritarian-right. And not just the local ACLU lawyers either-

Which reminds me, be sure to get your donations into the local community radio station. It's pledge drive time! As the recent letter we all received stated, moneys not a problem, we just need more warm bodies...well, not necessarily- We just need names and addresses - it's all about the numbers... got any dead relatives we can sign up?

Vicki the 'red widow' and Lynda who (Ani's partner) have promised me, for a considerable contribution, they are going to put together another special theater production for broadcast. Of course, this time the kind, compassionate ladies of the Boo will depict themselves tying a brown-skinned, Arab man to his wheelchair and setting him ablaze in the center of Pioneer Square. Vengeance is yours people, if you want it-

You do remember the June 1, 2008 broadcast of the show where these two delightfully-vicious radical feminists tied a man who had allegedly threatened them to a chair and very, very slowly drove a hot poker into the accused man's one eye, and then into the other eye. We love vigilantes! Few people at the radio station know that the program was intended to terrorize a local "useless cripple", based on a childhood story he told to a vocational counselor at the state agency for the blind. Imagine that! You see, your privacy ends where we say it ends!

Here's the bottom line, the "useless cripple" was producing a lot of damaging stories for Jenka and the news room that were unjustly criticizing the excellent police and DAs from Oregon, and needed to be stopped. It worked! So get your donations ready (We really just need a name and address to create the perception we are about representing the community.), and support the vicious left, as creating chaos, animosity and division is the key to our success. No not your success you big dummy, I'm talking about OUR SUCCESS - the RELEVANT CLASS!

Keep up the great work! With your help or not, one way or another, I'm sure we'll get the job done...

J. Edger