Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We're Going to Raise the Taxes on Millionaires and Billionaires

Phase III update-- Now that we got the Japan radiation leak stopped, and got that mess just about all cleaned up, and there's nothing to worry about, let's talk about what "you's people" are going to have to do to lower "our" debt-

And why shouldn't American women have their own exclusive, private health care system fellas -- Planned Parenthood? Sure, other than abortion, they could get every test or screening they need, including birth control, done at any local community health center that doesn't openly discriminate against male patients, but sticking it to you "boners", who are not members of the relevant class is really what this plan has been all about!

Okay, maybe Dr. Henry Makow has figured it out, but it's not likely any of the local sports talk jerks or the corporate media shills have the genetic brain matter to understand what's going on here (Good job Handy Bob!)...before all of you are in prison, or are placed on the federal sex offender registry. There are no millionaire or billionaires, or Jewish lawyers, or any able-bodied, attractive white women on the 'bad sex List'- Do you get it yet? You go Paulson Timbers!

Maybe Anthony Frankfurter thinks he can play your intelligence and suggest there's no difference from being called a "wiener" and being called a "boner" by one of these phony-feminist or some ruthless Jewish lawyer, like Mark Potak with the Southern Poverty Law Center (Did you know that the Southern Poverty Law Center is on the Homeland Security Advisory Board? And Potak's publicly attacking the alleged Arizona shooter, who claims to have been under the influence of government mind control... And Potak's all over the Disney/Phony-Feminist Network calling him a "pervert", when he knows his comments will prejudice the jury pool. What happen to getting a fair trial before a jury of your peers, Mark? Hmmm.... And now these phony-feminists and their Jewish lawyers are going to make it so that any man accused of any sex related crime can not question their alleged victim. What happen to the Constitution?)

The fact is, calling the Speaker a "boner" is just another way of attacking men -- by getting the phony-left to publicly attack men for size and potency. After all, what else are men who are not members of the relevant class good for, if not moving furniture and satisfying our delightfully wicked American women, like State Representative Carolyn Tomai, Vicki Cruel, and Libby the RasCon...

Think about this fellas, there are 11% more women in America with graduate degrees than men, and there has been more women graduating from American law schools than men for almost two decades (That's a scarry thought fellas!). Yet, other than Dr. Henry and a few people at American Freedom Radio, no one's calling for the elimination of affirmative action for women at all colleges and universities who receive federal funding, or plans to start affirmative action for men we, along with the public pretenders, have labeled as "felons"...

But the good news fellas is that marijuana will not be moved off Schedule I, since mostly men and racial minorities smoke that stuff and young white women, like us, prefer pills and powder cocaine. And we're also giving another half billion dollars this year to the inJustice Department to entrap or coerce another million men who will be placed on the 'sex offender List', and publicly humiliated by our corporate media, the local community radio station (We now own).
Mostly, we want to have the ability to further punished them if they speak out over what we're doing- Make no mistake, it's the ADL, the New York publishers, and the Hollywood elite, and our ruthless Jewish lawyers like Mark Potak, Anthony Frankfurter, and no-boner-man, who are pushing this agenda -- promoting preferential treatment for women, and publicly demeaning you fellas! It's great!

There's no millionaires or billionaires, or able-bodied, attractive white women, or Jewish lawyers on 'Death Row', is there...

And why do they call it the "right to choose" when the unborn baby gets no choice in the matter. It's not like they can appeal, like "you's por people"-

And why is Carolyn Tomai pushing a bill through the Oregon Legislature that says if a man gets caught paying an underage prostitute and we, I mean they happen to have $20,000 laying around, it's not a problem. but if you're not a member of the wealthy and influential PEDOPHILES from Clackamas County, then you're going to prison and we're going to put your face and name all over the Internet and the corporate media. That's hilarious! Carol is "our" hero -- a true, modern American feminist! And her fellow "DemocRat", Floyd the Void', is got a bill to make sure we publicly humiliate every man on the 'list', even the lowest of the lowest alleged sex offenders -- the one's tortured in Washington County's Isolation Bubble by Douglas Harcleroad and 'Hermann's Monsters' and coerced into signing a plea bargain, even where there is no witnesses or any physical evidence to support the allegation! But remember, it's always the wrong tire, and always the wrong price- Right?

Divide and conquer, that's what it's all about. And it works, and you "boners" have no one to blame but yourselves. Why you've been obsessing over NASCAR and professional sports heroes, and your Ducksters, we have handed over most of the government to the phony-feminists and the "gay people". And unless you have a quarter million dollars for bail and a real lawyer (That's any lawyer who is not a public pretender), you're going to have your life destroyed by us -- the true sexual predators, who run the state and the courts, if you piss off any able-bodied attractive white woman or if you try to stop our plan to disenfranchise men who are not members of the relevant class, or who carry our sword, like Carol and Floyd!

And if you think you have any say so in stopping phase IV, just wait and see if "your President" actually cuts any funding for the Defense Department or the inJustice Department, where most of the budget goes. We gave the "gay people" the right to kill unarmed humans on behalf of our corporate military for a good reason, besides just distracting the phony-left: I can promise one thing-- There's not a chance in hell we're going to raise the taxes on millionaires and billionaires-

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