Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Okay then, are you all done holding hands now and pretending to get along, and ready to get back to the business at hand - implementing phase II.

Hey men, do you think these women and the "gay people" refer to the Speaker as a "boner" because he walks around with his massive equipment showing? Not hardly, no pun intended. Well, actually it was intended-

While using the term to describe the Speaker was initiated by a gang of vicious, Oregon Women associated with the state agency for the blind, for personal reasons, the term is really being used to attack impotent men who can't keep it up!

This is great, and it wasn't even one of the thousands of great ideas our people came up with about how to best divide "you's people". Between the greedy-potheads, the phony-feminist, and the angry "gay people" of Oregon, we just have to sit back and watch the chaos evolve- Hearing a grown man being called by women and the "gay people" "boner" "really, really" pisses off a lot of men, since almost every man will suffer some personal humiliation from this condition at some point in their life.
And women know the best way to push a man's button is to attack his manhood because of size or performance. Doesn't that "really, really" piss you off fellas? The fact is that most real men choose to settle their differences with a gun, rather than smarmy little "cheap shots" on the local 'public access channel, to quote pope Stanford, since they know the lazy public defenders, the courts, and the corrupt DAs are intent on turning every American man who is not part of the relevant class into a felon or a "sex offender"', or both, on behalf of these sexy little vicious-vixens. That is, when we can't just kill them by stomping their "cripple" heads into the ground! Of course, driving each other to commit suicide is also a really great way too... Good job lefties!

We knew we could count on the vicious hypocrites of the phony-left, like master Pate, who appears on a weekly show with medical marijuana mogul pope Stanford. This past Friday, Masterpate made a joke on the show about "trailer trash". This is "really, really" hilarious! And this is a serious "medical" show?

On one hand, Stanford plays the 'kind compassionate care-giver" and boasts about giving his extra marijuana to "chemotherapy patients", while his partner, a former-convict - Masterpate, is publicly attacking some of Stanford's own patients on the public air waves, many of whom are low income and live in low income housing, like mobile homes, campers, and RVs (i.e. trailers). The comment was part of a joint effort from the sleazy Portland media, by masterpate, creepy carl, 'johnny little bit' strong, cip (the corporate in-house pedagog?), and others to use the public air waves to attack those they consider to be "white trash" and "trailer trash". While at the same time these "drug addicts" claim they "really, really" care about you "por useless cripple people"! That's why Masterpate voted against Measure 74 - we know Pate's deeply tied to the medical marijuana trafficking between Oregon and Washington state. Let's give Gerry a call and see if he can send a couple agents down from Seattle to check out this guys bookkeeping and 'business front', and some of his friends... We know he's not paying taxes on 'all' of his profits-

You got to really love Oregon, don't you? It's a cesspool of vicious monsters, from both the phoney-left and the authoritarian-right. And not just the local ACLU lawyers either-

Which reminds me, be sure to get your donations into the local community radio station. It's pledge drive time! As the recent letter we all received stated, moneys not a problem, we just need more warm bodies...well, not necessarily- We just need names and addresses - it's all about the numbers... got any dead relatives we can sign up?

Vicki the 'red widow' and Lynda who (Ani's partner) have promised me, for a considerable contribution, they are going to put together another special theater production for broadcast. Of course, this time the kind, compassionate ladies of the Boo will depict themselves tying a brown-skinned, Arab man to his wheelchair and setting him ablaze in the center of Pioneer Square. Vengeance is yours people, if you want it-

You do remember the June 1, 2008 broadcast of the show where these two delightfully-vicious radical feminists tied a man who had allegedly threatened them to a chair and very, very slowly drove a hot poker into the accused man's one eye, and then into the other eye. We love vigilantes! Few people at the radio station know that the program was intended to terrorize a local "useless cripple", based on a childhood story he told to a vocational counselor at the state agency for the blind. Imagine that! You see, your privacy ends where we say it ends!

Here's the bottom line, the "useless cripple" was producing a lot of damaging stories for Jenka and the news room that were unjustly criticizing the excellent police and DAs from Oregon, and needed to be stopped. It worked! So get your donations ready (We really just need a name and address to create the perception we are about representing the community.), and support the vicious left, as creating chaos, animosity and division is the key to our success. No not your success you big dummy, I'm talking about OUR SUCCESS - the RELEVANT CLASS!

Keep up the great work! With your help or not, one way or another, I'm sure we'll get the job done...

J. Edger

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