Wednesday, May 16, 2012
War On Women? Unless of Course, you're a man With a "Disability" or a person With Brown Skin...
"We" got to chuckle a little at the idea of there being some kind of specific "war being declared on [able-bodied white] women, when our slums, prisons and morgue are filled with "useless cripple" men and people with brown skin. But the nonsense about women getting 75% of the pay of men is a real hoot for "US", when you actually compare the wages of men and women who aren't part of the "'relevant class"!
The fact is, if you compare men and women who make less than $80,000 per year the pay is fairly even between men and women. But when you just look at incomes below $30,000 women actually make more than men. Isn't that a hoot! And this doesn't include all those undeclared, excessive tips that waitresses get from other women who sympathize with their predicament, and that men give them...well, you know, for other reasons-
While we wait for phase V, the real jokes on APAC Abe and the rest of you "bonors" who pretend to be "feminist" sympathizers in hopes of "getting some". Or even worse, you "bonors" waste all your time listening to the sports talk morons from Disney (the corporate left)and Fox (the corporate right), instead of learning the facts behind the media propaganda. Maybe all you brain-dead American men need to throw in the towel, so to speak, and get behind "our "Henry Paulson Timbers"! (There's a lot of good reasons why the local professional" soccer" team has the most phony-sounding play-by-play announcer in America and why he keeps a thesaurus rolled up in his pants. I told all these 'Alpha Dopes' that being a 'grammarnazi' might help you get a neurotic paranoid Republican woman (average NPR female listener) into bed, but then what? I warned 'JLB' and 'Creepy Chad' that using that stuff will make your junk shrink...)
Did you fellas know that 60% of the applications to state institutions which are accepted are from female candidates? And now there are more women than men with graduate degrees in America. And law schools have been graduating more women than men for over fifteen years (that's a scarry thought for all you "bonors")... So, given the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, why is there still a office of "Women's Concerns" at any publicly funded university in America? Why hasn't any male student, or potential male student, put down the bong and challenged these practices of using public educational funds to support a discriminatory practice (based on gender) that clearly no longer has a justified, legitimate function under the original premise of why we need "affirmative action"? Obviously, if you look at the prisons and the vilified "felons"men of color or men with disabilities are still by far the most disenfranchised Americans-
Unfortunately, those of "US" in the "relevant" class have had to pander to the "Jesus People" to get where we are today. But just between "you's people" and me, this nonsense about not giving contraception to every women who is a member of the "parasite" class is just plain stupid. Sure, it's obvious, we don't want to pay for anything that cares for the "parasite" children of the lower classes, since we don't need "you's people " any more. (Unless of course, we can force them to buy health insurance from PRIVATE insurance companies. And, way to go Johnny Roberts! That vote is gonna really throw the phony-left for a real loop, but it will help the reputation of "our" future lobbyist, Ron Wyden, who voted for Roberts and who included this profitable idea in his "Unhealthy American Act".)
Frankly, this whole debate over contraception and a "war on women" is somewhat entertaining, but nothing will change. It is our principle goal to make sure we get rid of as many of the babies as possible from those who aren't part of the "relevant" class, by vilifying regular guys, handing out free contraception, and of course getting rid of any baby that hasn't passed through the sacred vaginal canal (can you say Mother Mary may I Pope John? That was a great jab you took at the "useless cripples" on Easter by suggesting that most people are groping in the dark! Like they're all BLIND! Of course, we both know who are the real evil doers in the world, don't we Popepoo...who help "US" cover up the crimes "we" commit against helpless children-).
You got to admit, we've done a pretty good job of keeping alive "abortion on demand" (we own the Court, remember), but we do also have an obligation to keep the "Jesus People" happy who love to humiliate and embarrass "you's people" for doing what "we" do- Isn't that a hoot!
With the help of the corporate media and even the so-called "progressive media", we'll keep this scam alive, and keep telling America that there's a "War on Women". Unless of course, you're a man with a disability or person with brown skin...
(From inside the psychopathic mind of J. Edger:
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