Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rosanne Barr will be the Next President. Remember, “We” Own the Voting Machines-

Rosanne Barr will be the Next President. Remember, “We” Own the Voting Machines- Now that “football’s” over and there’s nothing to do except sit by the pool and watch our “investment” checks roll in, let’s talk about phase V. It really doesn’t matter whether “your” President or one of the sicKons get “your” vote, it all works out the for “US”. Just look at the MDAA and who’s the AG, if “you’s people” think you really, really, really have any say… And that’s a real hoot that “your” President signs a bill to completely take away your right to due process and “you’s people” aren’t marching in the streets with torches and pitchforks, demanding his resignation. Then again, Eric Holder is sending guns to Mexican drug gangs who are smuggling cocaine and killing Americans, and you can bet that neither puppet show in Congress is going to do anything about it. (When’s the last time you heard about any major cocaine bust?) It’s almost as though the politicians and judges are being threatened with some sort of compromising video involving missing children-- Speaking of which, how about future lobbyist, ‘Corporate Ron’ [Wyden], who announces that he and Paul Ryan are going to be working on a bill together to get rid of Medicare in2013. It is as though Ron knows Paul is going to be re-elected this year even though he’s in a real close race against one of Wyden’s fellow DemocRats. That’s really supporting the ‘corporate left’ Party. It does show you how dumb the DemocRat supporters In Oregon are! I mean, voting for a guy who lives in Manhattan and who puts out this bill called the ‘UnHealthy American Act’ that included no public option or single payer plan and requires that “you’s people” have to buy your health insurance from ‘PRIVATE’ insurance companies. Sounds a lot like the bill “your” President came up with- What a hoot! And how about the payroll tax cut that takes away 33% of the funding for Social Security and Medicare, with no other source of funding to replace it. Did you know that 2011 was the first year ever that Social Security didn’t collect as much money as it paid out. It won’t take long to bankrupt this “welfare” program and force “you’s people” to put that money into the stock market. And that means more money toward our”investments”… With all these crazy “brown skinned terrorists” running around, phase V ought to be enough to give “US” enough support to implement phase VI later this year. Phase I turned out even better than Dick and Donald predicted, with the new MDAA bill and the other “patriot” bills “we” got passed. And how about the great work “our” corporate media and the sports talk morons at Fox and Disney have done (“Sometimes even a blind girl finds a nut.” That’s hilarious Mel, even though I’ve heard that “joke” a million times before! Now, if we can just get that Jay Allen guy to join the local sports talk morons and help ‘Johnny Little Bit’ and ‘Creepy Chad’ to start publicly bashing these “useless cripples”.). It’s so easy to distract “you’s people” with Hollywood nonsense, sports talk, fear and misinformation, it’s not likely that a significant number of Americans will wake up and make some kind of massive protest vote and elect Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, or that ‘Dennis trouble-maker’ from Ohio. Or even worse, decide that Rosanne Barr will be the next president. Remember, “ We” own the voting machines

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