Monday, May 21, 2012
"Hey Kid Those Sure Nice Shoes You Got. You Fast? Let's Go Race While This Kid Finishes His Game. How Long You Gonna Be Kid?"
I usually don't support anything progressive, but I did send the local communist radio station (KBOO.FM) a considerable check today for the recent hilarious piece they did on Paul Lucifer Lindman, who is one of "our" best local Clear Channel corporate shills, and who loves to bounce his grand kids on his lap (Maybe a little bit to much, perhaps Paul?).
The spoof news report begins where Paul tells his listeners over and over, and over "don't trust anything you read on the Internet", or something like that. Then it's followed by him referring his listeners to dozens of websites from advertisers and "our" right-winged propaganda Internet machines. Then the report starts going back and forth between the two contradicting admonitions, mixed in with more than a few funny verbal blunders that suggest that Paul might be getting a little senile. It's a real hoot, even if it's from the far left and slams one of our best corporate propagandist !
You may remember, Paul is the guy who came up with the great radio ad a couple years ago for the 'Kid's Fund', and that Clear Channel began running again earlier this year, that said "THEY CAN'T SEE! THEY CAN'T HEAR! THEY WON'T SUCCEED!" And it was great "seeing" all of "our" favorite corporate evil doers out at the golf fund raiser this weekend. (Golf you ask? this way we can be absolutely sure to keep out the "useless cripples", other than Bob Joonberg and the rest of "our" token government shills.)
And it's really funny to hear Lucifer Lindman blame every crime in Oregon every morning on the " DRUGGIES!" Of course, Paul's more than a little over the hill and seems to really be losing his marbles, but he calls the "potheads" "druggies" yet takes himself about a dozen pharmaceuticals every day! Isn't that a real hoot! But being a hypocrite and working in the media or for the government is what this State is all about, and why they all do what we say...
Which reminds me, anything new about finding Kyron Horman? Didn't think so, but that was sure a lot of money "you's people" spent investigating that missing "white" boy (1.3 million?)...and the Sheriff said he had some evidence that would make people real uncomfortable. Which was what?
And anybody figured out who murdered Nancy the Federal Public Pretender? If we follow Paul and 'Moron Mason's' logic, and blame the "druggies" it had to be a former client, or a friend or relative of a former-client who was angry... (Or maybe that's what "they" want you to think? Hmmm....)
And how about that Douglas Adamson guy (No not the new Clear Channel corporate media shill, but it is confusing isn't it?) who had all his body parts suddenly detach while he was taking a comfortable swim down the Columbia River. Any clues Sheriff Roberts, since we know Dougy spent a lot of time in "your" county and apparently knew some of the same "important" people that you know really well? Have anything to do with whatever set off that killing rampaige by "your" Court House chief Deputy? Hmmm....
At the time, I always wondered why you guys didn't look a little closer when you went to Ward Weaver's home, after he had killed the first young girl and apparently had her body stashed right there at the house. But you, Dwight, Karen, and Shaftler got to protect the "good guys" you can go out and kill yourselves a few Clackamas County "potheads".
But it's nice that it all worked out as "we" promised, didn't it Craig? You got tons of money and equipment after the state-wide hysteria took hold, when the second young girl was killed by Weaver. We had "US" a real "CEREAL KILLER" on the loose! Hot damn! A real media frenzy! And ratings means money, that's vulture capitalism at its best, ask Paul!
Kind of how Mark Foley, was molesting all those young boys (and Ron, Earl and most of those in Congress knew about it and did nothing). They all played the Walsh family (just like Disney and the Hollywood Police did when they tried to say Ottis Toole had killed Adam Walsh). MDAA, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, the Adam Walsh Act, it don't matter. It's all about taking the final steps toward phase 8, and there's nothing you can do about it as long as "we have Lucifer Lindman and the Courts and the guns on "our" side.
And the funny thing about all of this and how it really went down is that John and 'Pretty Reve' are millionaires and never go hungry, and they can fly any where they want and go after the "bad guys" a moment's notice, in first class too- "Hey kid those sure nice shoes you got. You fast? Let's go race while this kid finishes his game. How long you gonna be kid?"
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Clackamas County Creeps' Should Pay Their Fair Share
It's not surprising that Alpha Dope, Robb Kramer, would use a teenage girl (sounds like some of the judges down there) promote his low quality, political propaganda radio ad telling all the 'Clackamas County Creeps' to vote against paying for the Selwood Bridge, which connects Clackamas County to the City of Portland and is ready to fall in the river What a hoot!
Creepy Kramer is also pushing the idea that the 'Clackamas County Creeps' (and all the "unregistered" child molesters who run the County, or want to run the county) to not pay for light rail into "his" county because it might bring the wrong sort of ("you's") "people" into his neighborhood. This is a real hoot coming from the Carl Rove of Oregon, when you learn the history of these racists and bigots, and the evil they have exported on "our" behalf throughout Auragone. Remember, the 'Swift Boat Ads' came out of the Clackamas County DAs Office. That's a real crack up-
Wasn't that stepford wife, the one who strangled her eleven-year-old daughter to protect her from "registered" sex offenders from Clackamas County? And how about the mom who threw her two little children off the Selwood Bridge from Clackamas County? Maybe that's why they want it to fall into the River so people will forget about this typical Clackamas house wife...
And isn't this the county where Deputy David Willard (what an appropriate name) shot that "brown-skinned" kid with the Arabic sounding name, Kaady something- the kid had caught himself and his car on fire, but he ended up tearing off his clothes and was suffering from third degree burns over most of his body when he began walking, aimlessly, half out of his mind. The paramedics said his skin was falling off. But Willard wouldn't let them near him to help...give him something for the pain (sounds like "our" delightfully wicked Clackamas County cops and "correction" officers). Dirty David Willard kept yelling "Lay down on the [hot] cement!" At the same time, Willard kept using his stun gun on the kid, over and over. When the seventeen-year-old kid, who was an American citizen, ran to the nearest car and climbed on the roof, and begged for his life, Willard yelled "FIRE!" Willard and another cop put nine bullets into the body of who the Clackamas County Dispatcher kept calling (sarcastically) "Naked Guy"... What a hoot! And a civil jury (of your typical 'Clackamas County Creep') wouldn't give this kid's family a dime of "their" precious money- I love Auragone!
And meanwhile, Kramer's radio cabin boy, Jim something or other, told the radio listeners last Sunday that David Willard's supervisor, Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts, was a great guy. That's hilarious!
This is the same Sheriff who knew his Chief Deputy who guarded the Clackamas County Court House was abusing his wife, both physically and mentally. And you can bet that some of those crooked judges knew it too. But they said nothing, since they always protect their "we" do. Then one day, this roid-taking, swagged out Clackamas County Deputy (sounds like Cowturd, Puke, Kenny the Drunk and some of the other local sports talk morons) goes out to Multnomah County to a lounge and blows away his wife and two of her female friends! Yeah, Sherriff Roberts is a swell guy, and a "good cop", except when he's surfing the web for porn and playing the 'bad cop'. He does take a lot of "our" money to manipulate children (sounds like some of the Clackamas County judges) to brainwash them to believe the government's claim that there is no medical value for marijuana.
But the racists and bigots of Clackamas County aren't happy about the corporate DemocRats being in power. Especially the part about having a "black" man in the "White" House. "there's something wrong about that," you can hear Shaftler and the rest of them saying down at the Home Buffet. And they have a point--
So we know that one third of the "people" who live in Clackamas County make their living off the jobs, the people and the public resources of Portland and Multnomah County, but since when does the facts get in the way of of 'US' or a Clackamas County bigot like Creepy Kramer and the Alpha Dopes? And that doesn't mean "we're" going to suggest that the 'Clackamas County Creeps' should pay their fair share...
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
You Have a lot of Friends Over in the DA's Office Who Owe You, and When Rod and Dwight Take Over a Lot of Activists' Heads are Going to ROLL!
Hey, how come Brian Jennings and the corporate media shills aren't telling "you's people" that some of those 'sex workers' from Columbia were underage? Since they're American citizens, isn't that a crime? Hmmm... How bout the 'sex worker' from Brazil they through out of the car last December over money? That's a real hoot! And you wonder why we need so many bases around the world...for 'US'--
With the increase in government snooping, it almost makes you wish we still had 'Little George' running things. No difference- It really doesn't matter which puppet show "you's people choose", Every two or four years "we" choose the puppets who get the corporate media spotlight, and demonize any candidate who doesn't walk in lock step with "our" world to speak.
Do you Oregon progressives think its curious that the RepubliCons in Oregon aren't running any candidate for the office of State Attorneys General? Or is there another corporate RepubliCon wearing the "big D"? You never know. Just remember you Oregon DemocRats (and of course, all you RepubliCons who switched parties just to vote in the DemocRat primary) , when you get "your" ballot next week just be sure to mark 'Dwight Holton' for SAG...and leave the important to 'US'!If you want to support America, then you need to support are fastest growing American industry -- the private prison industrial complex. Doesn't that title sound impressive?
And how about "your President" announcing this week that he's giving the U.S. Bureau of Prisons an extra quarter billion in 2013 to build more prisons and expand the private prison system? Isn't that great! What are you going to do, vote for Mitt instead? Not like we're gonna start hearing the crowds chanting "ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!"
And now that we have all the legal authority "we" need to silence any sort of "discontent" from "you's people", we're moving our assets into position to take out those dangerous Iranian war mongers. Besides, you have enough to worry about, with keeping "your" children safe and away from any of "those people" who might be carrying this strange, new "virus" that's been going around. Maybe to keep "you's people" safe, we need to think about rounding up the sort of people who might be carriers, like protesters, pot smokers, felons and "registered" sex offenders (won't find any current or former Secret Service people on that list). But, maybe I should slow down a little. I'm getting ahead of myself, but so what, right? phase V will be exciting times for some of 'US'. Look at phase III. The Alpha Dopes and the Clear Channel corporate shills won't tell you, but phase III will eventually wipe out all life in the entire northern Pacific Ocean. It's still melting down! Isn't that a hoot!
You know I always poke fun at the Program Director over at the Alpha Cave, Brian Jennings, but seriously nobody in America is better in the media business at mixing "our" message (corporate/government propaganda) with the daily news. Yeah, yeah, we know Brian, your a "good friend of Shawn Hannity", just in case you happen to be the only person in town he hasn't told this to... You know Brian, there's a lot of people out here, beyond the Alpha Dopes who don't think much of Shawn. Just sayin'- Keep up the great spin and keep putting out those self-promotional pieces where one of the Alpha Dopes, like Dufess Dave Martin, interviews the great "BRIAN JENNINGS who saved ALPHA Broadcasting" on the weekends as being some kind of public service show. That's a hoot! (The FCC considers that some kind of public service announcement? really?)
And make no mistake, the Channel 8 Sex Predators and the Alpha Dopes are pretty damn good at keeping fear alive, and keeping their zombies pretty angry and dunned down with meaningless, endless stock numbers, sports scores, and slanted "news". We know this confusion and distraction causes people to be anxious, which causes them to spend recklessly and behave erratically, which keeps are jails and prisons full. Not to mention how much money we can extort by keeping "you's people" on 'paper' for the rest of your lives...that might as long as you think--
And I poke a lot of fun at simple Bob too, but in fairness, it's probably not really his seed based on what I've heard. The fact is, all of 'US' corporate types around Oregon always call on 'Handy Bob' when ever we have a mess on the yacht to clean up (or some DNA we need to get rid of).
Now, I mostly work with program directors, program managers, engineers and technicians, so maybe's just me, but doesn't calling yourself "The Handy Man" sound a little "creepy"? It reminds me of that character from the movie "Photo Shop"- You can't tell me with a straight face that his kid got to be the play-by-play guy for Henry's "soccer" team based on talent...although it helps being identified online by Creepy John Canzano (skinhead) as hiss "main man" (what does that mean? That's real "creepy"!)
but seriously Brian, we're counting on you! We know you know a lot of "Strong"-armed, vicious cops from the 'Brotherhood of the Strong', and you have a lot of friends over in the DA's Office who owe you, and when Rod and Dwight take over a lot of activists' heads are going to ROLL!
War On Women? Unless of Course, you're a man With a "Disability" or a person With Brown Skin...
"We" got to chuckle a little at the idea of there being some kind of specific "war being declared on [able-bodied white] women, when our slums, prisons and morgue are filled with "useless cripple" men and people with brown skin. But the nonsense about women getting 75% of the pay of men is a real hoot for "US", when you actually compare the wages of men and women who aren't part of the "'relevant class"!
The fact is, if you compare men and women who make less than $80,000 per year the pay is fairly even between men and women. But when you just look at incomes below $30,000 women actually make more than men. Isn't that a hoot! And this doesn't include all those undeclared, excessive tips that waitresses get from other women who sympathize with their predicament, and that men give them...well, you know, for other reasons-
While we wait for phase V, the real jokes on APAC Abe and the rest of you "bonors" who pretend to be "feminist" sympathizers in hopes of "getting some". Or even worse, you "bonors" waste all your time listening to the sports talk morons from Disney (the corporate left)and Fox (the corporate right), instead of learning the facts behind the media propaganda. Maybe all you brain-dead American men need to throw in the towel, so to speak, and get behind "our "Henry Paulson Timbers"! (There's a lot of good reasons why the local professional" soccer" team has the most phony-sounding play-by-play announcer in America and why he keeps a thesaurus rolled up in his pants. I told all these 'Alpha Dopes' that being a 'grammarnazi' might help you get a neurotic paranoid Republican woman (average NPR female listener) into bed, but then what? I warned 'JLB' and 'Creepy Chad' that using that stuff will make your junk shrink...)
Did you fellas know that 60% of the applications to state institutions which are accepted are from female candidates? And now there are more women than men with graduate degrees in America. And law schools have been graduating more women than men for over fifteen years (that's a scarry thought for all you "bonors")... So, given the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, why is there still a office of "Women's Concerns" at any publicly funded university in America? Why hasn't any male student, or potential male student, put down the bong and challenged these practices of using public educational funds to support a discriminatory practice (based on gender) that clearly no longer has a justified, legitimate function under the original premise of why we need "affirmative action"? Obviously, if you look at the prisons and the vilified "felons"men of color or men with disabilities are still by far the most disenfranchised Americans-
Unfortunately, those of "US" in the "relevant" class have had to pander to the "Jesus People" to get where we are today. But just between "you's people" and me, this nonsense about not giving contraception to every women who is a member of the "parasite" class is just plain stupid. Sure, it's obvious, we don't want to pay for anything that cares for the "parasite" children of the lower classes, since we don't need "you's people " any more. (Unless of course, we can force them to buy health insurance from PRIVATE insurance companies. And, way to go Johnny Roberts! That vote is gonna really throw the phony-left for a real loop, but it will help the reputation of "our" future lobbyist, Ron Wyden, who voted for Roberts and who included this profitable idea in his "Unhealthy American Act".)
Frankly, this whole debate over contraception and a "war on women" is somewhat entertaining, but nothing will change. It is our principle goal to make sure we get rid of as many of the babies as possible from those who aren't part of the "relevant" class, by vilifying regular guys, handing out free contraception, and of course getting rid of any baby that hasn't passed through the sacred vaginal canal (can you say Mother Mary may I Pope John? That was a great jab you took at the "useless cripples" on Easter by suggesting that most people are groping in the dark! Like they're all BLIND! Of course, we both know who are the real evil doers in the world, don't we Popepoo...who help "US" cover up the crimes "we" commit against helpless children-).
You got to admit, we've done a pretty good job of keeping alive "abortion on demand" (we own the Court, remember), but we do also have an obligation to keep the "Jesus People" happy who love to humiliate and embarrass "you's people" for doing what "we" do- Isn't that a hoot!
With the help of the corporate media and even the so-called "progressive media", we'll keep this scam alive, and keep telling America that there's a "War on Women". Unless of course, you're a man with a disability or person with brown skin...
(From inside the psychopathic mind of J. Edger:
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