As far as raising "your credit card limit", and feeding the "useless cripples", don't you love the way "No-boner-man" and the phony-corporate-left are antagonizing the Speaker by intentionally mispronouncing his last name (and demanding respect for "gay people"), and getting you schmucks to go along with it. And now the Speaker is retaliating against grandma, the "useless cripples", and the poor. Along with all the interest we're going to collect from you (because of the delay), while we bet on the failure, we've got the phony-left helping us get rid of the brown people (all Moslems) and men (who don't carry our sword) and all of the "useless cripples" (who suck up our money)! What hate mongers you Americans are! We love you-
. Phase IV is working out excellently, and no ones talking about phase III or the oceans any more (that will soon change). Along with "your president" and the DemocRats helping us cut the big three, we got our obese Zionist lawyers (that's a little redundant) working for us, like No-boner-man Oldman and his chubby CIA pal, Mark Potok, from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Board (Why would any Jewish person support something named after the Nazis like "ze Homeland"?). These Zionist from the phony-left (No offense to the millions of decent Jewish people throughout the world who are not hate mongers, and who do not get off on telling jokes about people with disabilities) got "you's people" to publicly demean men and the "useless cripples", and even the poor who are forced to live in Mobil homes, campers and RVs. And "you's people" are too dumb, or maybe just to vicious to "see" that Mark Potok and these Zionist pukes are slowly desensitizing you (just like the Nazis did when they began experimenting on the "useless cripples"). For example, Portland lawyer, Creepy Kenneth Kreuscher, showed up at Guantanamo with a law book and a rope and his client chose the rope! What these Zionists are doing for us for a few bucks, is preparing you for phase VII when you'll have to choose between saving grandma and grandpa or feeding and housing the "useless cripples". It's called eugenics.
A couple weeks ago, "I wish I could see past my belly to tell if I got a" Boner Man Oldman described the RepubliCons as the "dumb leading the blind!" That's really funny, and creative too! I never heard that one before! Oldman, Kreuscher and Potok makes Randi Rhodes and Glenn Beck look like nice guys, and it's the bigoted, hypocrites like this from the left who have ensured your eventual doom -- Divide and conquer, it always works well...
And we got the New York Zionist publishers adding in all sorts of derogatory comments into every work of fiction being published today to demean these "useless cripples". And locally, to protect their right to abort defective unborn children, it was the phony-feminists and the gay rights group, Basic Rights Oregon, who fought to not include those with disabilities under the same protection they themselves now enjoy under Oregon's Hate Crimes Law which protects them from abusers. Funny thing is that the ones who are mostly abusing the "useless cripples" are the gay women who operate most of the vocational rehabilitation services in the Northwest (Don't tell Pollyanna Paul van Dyk who lets his wife, April, produce a monthly propaganda show on behalf of his female government handlers. Talk about a "blind boner"!).
But back to your credit card, the attack on the "big three" is really just a way to get "you's people" to go along with phase VII, when we can began seriously cleaning up the human gene pool, that has been seriously damaged by all this multi-culturalism and "compassion" for the weak and sick. It's for the greater good, and "you's people" are going to die sometime soon anyway. And wasn't that something! Did you see the way that Israeli soldier used his massive bulldozer to "squish" that little girl from Washington State, Rachel Corrie. Oh yeah, I forgot, "you people's" didn't see that -- at that moment "the cameras happen to be facing away from the protesters". (Really?)...
But APAC Abe from the BOO is definitely our favorite Neo-Nazi from the phony-left. For the record ladies, don't worry, abortion isn't going anywhere. We have to play to the "Jesus People" a little, but remember we had full control of the Congress and the White House a few years ago (not that we don't now) and nothing significantly changed as far as your right to kill the unborn trash you produce...well, other than protecting the virginity of our sweet little, blue-eyed girls (but not for the reasons you think).
With great joy, a couple weeks ago APAC Abe declared on air he would gladly kill an unborn baby ten seconds before birth if it had "Down's!" It's not just down's syndrome that we're using to scare potential mothers into killing their unborn children any more, but genetic testing has made it possible for us to predict all sorts of possible deformities. Of course, none of its certain, but the point is to implement the dream of the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret sanger, Prescott Bush, the House of Rothschild,, the Rockefeller family, and Adolph Hitler.
As proof of our urgent need to purify the human race, a young woman named "Jenny" called in to defend the American practice of 'unborn baby killing' and told APAC Abe that women had the right to be "an idiot". (Really? And that justifies murdering a tiny, fragile human baby?) Absolutely, we agree. Let's kill as many of these inconvenient, imperfect little bastards as possible before they grow up and reproduce more of "you's money-sucking parasites"! Although we know for most of you ladies it's really about keeping your perfect little bodies in tact in case you meet a rich man (or woman), and not interfering with your new found "freedom from all responsibility". Besides every American women deserves a perfect little trophy child, who can be pimped out to some lawyer, doctor or billionaire when they grow up (or maybe sooner).
It's funny, but it must be that they have more morals about motherhood, but black, Hispanic and Native-American women have never been as enthusiastic about abortion as our delightfully wicked able-bodied white American women. We are pushing hard to get Planned Parenthood into those poor, ethnic neighborhood, but we need more people like APAC Able to push this idea that it's a women's right to kill their unborn child for any reason, and nobody has the right to tell a woman what she can or can't do with the body of the child growing inside her, even though we now know the baby can actually feel some pain after just six weeks. Isn't that hilarious!
Even though it's only a temporary situation (less than 1% of a woman's life) , nobody has the right to tell a woman what she can or can't do with her own body!
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