Thursday, February 24, 2011

maybe what we all really need now is a 'Handy Bob Job'? Call the 'Alpha Dopes'!

Maybe at last the Portland City Council is ready to give up this charade of pretending to stand for "freedom" and "liberty", and surrender itself to the will of our new Fascist-corporate government; a government that arrogantly punishes those who oppose its practices with malice, which the states have always done to persons who can't defend themselves. It's the American way! What times the pow wow?

Make no mistake the FBI, the local U.S. Attorney, and all those entities and their ex-military soldiers/law enforcement officers which operate under the Department of Justice are well rewarded for their roles in the slow deterioration under phase II of "your" civil rights and "your" civil liberties, as John Kroger and Karen Immergut's current lofty positions demonstrate.

the promises of Oregon's latest and greatest U.S. Attorney (our corporate operative) Dwight Holton, who said two weeks ago, 'we know the bi-annual polygraphs ($200 each!) that all "registered sex offenders" are required to take are meaningless', is feeding the public more of the same effective rhetoric for many years. It's been tested, and it works- It's devised by our think tanks and a tightly controlled federal government that exploits the world for us billionaire handlers. And remember, before you vote on Thursday, we always ruthlessly punish our political adversaries both here and abroad. How's Bradly doing? Really, it's for your own safety stupid!

I say the members of the Portland City Council need to stand up and show the community their true colors, and the kind of government they support and vote to approve the JTTF. After all, it's "really, really" for our own "good" to quote the former U.S. Attorney, Mr. Kroger.

And think about it, "you's people" really don't deserve better"-

So tough up everybody! And get a 'little bit strong-er', and maybe what we all really need now is a 'Handy Bob Job'? Call the 'Alpha Dopes'!

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