Friday, November 2, 2012

'Mittler wins Close' (Our Tabulators Guarantee It)! "We" Easily Create This Perception It's "Really, Really, Really" Close, Even If It's Not, and Most Accept It (Like the 9-11 Story)- What a HOOT!

With the collapse and phase V in full affect, "we" (the survivors of the human race) are soon off to Watersville (as we like to call it) to watch things develop, so good luck to "you's people"! Adolf and the Israelis will keep things calm for a little while, but you might want to get ready... It was hilarious to hear Paul ('Lucifer Lindman from "our" local right-winged Clear Channel station this morning encouraging the local idiots to vote for more taxes! This is the same guy, who coined the hilarious phrase in 2010 for his Kids Fund Campaign, "THEY CAN'T SEE! THEY CAN'T HEAR! THEY WON'T SUCCEED!) and who doesn't live in the City, and who has played a key role in keeping "our" taxes down. And he's telling "you people's" to pay more! What a hoot! I'll give him this, Lucifer Lindman always gets the most evil people around here to give him an interview, like Ted Bundi (who grew up with Disney's Colon Cowturd), Ward Weaver, the 'Green River Killer', Jay Scroggin, Neil Goldschmidt, Sam Adams, Randy Leonard, Ted Kulongoski, and Satan himself! Keep up the great work Paul, you, Phony-Felicia, Creepy Carl, Mork and Dork (or Dork and Dorker, as we like to think of them), and all the other local corporate media shills at Clear Channel, Alpha Broadcasting, the Jercury, the Disney and Fox Distractors, the KGW Channel 8 'Sex Predators' have all done a really great job over the last decade in implementing "our" plan, -- to scare the stupid masses, and keep them misinformed about what we're really doing (in DC and at the South Pole). Just between you and I, with the collapse of Building 4 (which I told you, we implemented on October 16th) the game's over for "you's people". The earth is now officially dead! That's why "we" got this Fluoride scam started, so if "we" needed "we" could blame the Fluoride for all the health problems, but it really doesn't matter any more... (From inside the mind of billionaire psychopath , J. Edger: